Weightless Metaphysical Weight Loss Journey

Drop the weight on all levels from the inside out - body, mind, emotion & soul

The Weightless Metaphysical Weight Loss Journey is a membership program designed to get you past your weight loss blocks - on all levels - body, mind, emotional and soul.

What does it mean to be weightless?! It means setting yourself free to live to your fullest potential, body, mind, emotion and soul!

Here's how we do it:

Body - Give your kitchen a makeover, eat natural whole food balanced meals, cleanse, blast past plateaus, boost your metabolism & lower your weight set point (by putting your health first).

Mind - UN-diet your mentality, adopt a health-conscious mindset, learn how to 'think yourself thin', stop "watching" your weight and focus on consciously creating the health, body shape and life of your dreams.

Emotions - Inner work to identify where you are holding on to emotional baggage that you need to release from your energy body and stop losing energy to negative thoughts and feelings about yourself, your body, your life and the people in it.

Soul - Become fully self-expressed and self-directed, free from external expectations, so that you can live true to yourself and realize your full potential to create your dream life.

The Weightless system includes educational recorded video trainings to help you overcome the universal challenges people face with weight loss , step-by-step templates for implementation, plus inner work exercises to get you unblocked on all the levels - body, mind, emotion and soul.

Each month you will receive a module that guides you to embody transformation on all levels:

  • Body - Get out of your head and fall back in love with your body by cultivating a healthy relationship to it.
  • Mind - Mindset trainings that guide you to think, speak and act in a way that gets you the results you desire.
  • Emotion - Inner work to unearth and release energetic blocks in the way of your body's vital healing capacity.
  • Soul - Soul calling journal work that guide you to unleash your true self and be a conscious creator.
  • Self-Healing  - At home health tests to help you personalize what you need next on your healing path.
  • Self-actualization - Journal exercises that guide you to ask yourself deeper questions and find your own answers.

In addition to the modules, you get access to a Facebook group year-round for daily support along with inspirational content that supports you to stay in a state of positive expectation.

Plus impromptu live streams are provided in a Facebook group (with the exception of 3 holiday months throughout the year in Dec, April, and August)

  • Bi-weekly Q & A's - you will post your questions so that they can be answered in-depth with tangible solutions provided.
  • Paradigm shifting mindset trainings to help you overcome blocks as they come up.
  • Educational trainings curated to the current member's educational needs.

These happen at impromptu times and the replays remain in the Facebook group, so you can catch them when it works best for you!

You will also receive monthly accountability forms delivered to your inbox every 30 days to track your progress and identify your current needs - this helps me customize the trainings to meet your current needs).

No need to have to set aside the time to be anywhere. Engage when it works for your schedule!

How it works:

  • You get instant access to the BONUS e-courses, so that you can learn the core content at your own pace.
  • Each month you are sent a new module with  pre-recorded content to work with.
  • Use the Facebook group as much as you need for support and check back weekly for fresh content.

You are invited to enrol in this 12 month group coaching program if the following resonates:

  • You are ready to make permanent diet and lifestyle changes and you are committed to being patient with yourself, with your body and with the process.
  • You have decided that THIS is your year, hell or high water you are going to release this extra weight (getting healthy is your number #1 priority now)
  • You are ready "with bells on" to do the inner work to overcome your physical, mental, emotional and soul blocks.

It's time now to stop staying stuck in the cycle of quitting and giving up, and instead get the support you need to finally embrace and embody the PERMANENT diet and lifestyle transformation that is required to achieve optimal health and lose weight permanently.


The Weightless Metaphysical Weight Loss Journey is especially for you if you are ready to get past your obstacles, so that you can reinvent yourself and your life from the inside out!

The Weightless Metaphysical Weight Loss Journey includes these core BONUS e-courses that give you the re-education you need to succeed....

Delish Kitchen Makeover (VALUE $97) - The next step is embodying being a health conscious person who makes aligned choices without having to use willpower. Learn my 'set it and forget it' approach to giving your kitchen a whole foods makeover, plus get low carb recipes and learn how make staple healthy alternatives for your favourite comfort foods.

Delish UN-Diet School (VALUE $197) -This is a paradigm-shifting e-course that will support you to rewire your brain for success with permanent weight loss as the result of putting your health first. Un-diet your mentality and learn how to eat to balance your hormones and eliminate inflammation weight. Learn how to eat to balance your macros to optimize your health and body composition,(VALUE $397)

 Delish Diaita Deep Cleanse (VALUE $297) - Learn how to use cleansing to love your liver and heal your gut to lose 15 lbs in 21 days - perfect to let go of those first or last 15 lbs, boost your metabolism and reset your body to a lower weight set point. Learn how to create flow and live a natural lifestyle in tune with nature's cycles!

Delish Kitchen Immersion (VALUE $397) - Learn the kitchen skills you need to be able to make magic in the kitchen!

 Total Value of BONUSES: $988

Plus you get extra rewards with proof of implementation and for the results that you create for yourself, yay!

With proof of implementation/results, you get the following:

  • Complete the homework for each module and get prizes
  • For every 10 lbs you release, you get access to a new blast past plateaus plan (7 day menu plan with recipes)
  • Make progress and get private holistic nutrition consulting sessions
  • When you reach your ideal weight, you get a private 4-hour virtual retreat day customized to your needs

Total Value of Rewards: Priceless!


  • Your success is guaranteed when you keep showing up to get help and work towards the solution. It's simply a matter of committing and staying the course. The only way you can fail is by quitting. This program is NOT a quick fix, it's a deep one that pulls out the root causes of the problems, obstacles and challenges in the way....however long it takes is how long it's going to take - this is not about pushing and shoving your body around and forcing fat off of it...this is a self-loving process).
  • The Delish Diet approach to losing weight without dieting, works by getting healthy first, by addressing your weight loss blocks (mind, body, spirit and soul). Do the work, eat the food and live the lifestyle consistently - you must embody permanent diet and lifestyle changes for both progress and permanent results.
  • How fast you lose weight, depends on how long you've been overweight, how damaged your metabolism is from past episodes with dieting, and how many physiological weight loss blocks (nutrient deficiencies and body system imbalances) you need to overcome and chronic stressors you need to address.

  • The speed of weight loss also depends on how diligently you follow the plans. This isn't a race, just do them to the best of your ability and repeat until you get the goal! While I can't guarantee how many pounds you will lose in a specific time-period (that's for your body to prioritize, in its inherent wisdom and natural timing), you will experience a much higher level of health and prevent future disease right away.

  • It just takes as long as it takes. For obese people, it is actually much better to lose the weight at a slower pace, to avoid ending up with loose skin. Being impatient and caring more about what the scale says, just exchanges one problem for another with a new reason to not like the way your body looks. Just do the things that create health and let the weight fall off at your body's natural pace.

  • Nobody fails policy - if after 12 months, you still need to lose more weight, you need more support or you just love the on-going livestreams, you can renew for another 12 months for only $97 per month in year 2, and in year 3 renewal is only $47/month.  I promise that if you stay the course, your results are guaranteed. Your body is designed to be healthy and when you give it what it needs and stop giving it what it doesn't need (body, mind emotion and soul). It will heal and release the weight!

What's at stake if you don't get the support you need to break through:

  • stay confused and floundering and never go deep enough to identify and pull out the roots of your blocks so that you overcome your obstacles
  • waste time, energy and money starting over and over and never really getting anywhere
  • health continues to decline and gain even more weight.... continue to feel weighed down and held back in life 

Don't wait another day, start now!


*NOTE:  If you are a past client or e-course participant, you can apply what you've invested in the past towards this program, simply e-mail support@delishdiet.ca and we'll get you set up at a reduced price!

This program is perfect for you if you are at a turning point in life and you feel the desire to up-level and transform your into the person you've always know you could be and live the life you've only been dreaming of, instead of one settled for (become the version of YOU, that you need to be to align to your vision)!!

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