Become a Certified Natural Weight Loss Coach
Help people lose weight without dieting, by putting their health first!
Sure you want to help people lose weight without diet "ing", but more importantly, you want them to get healthy and keep the weight off forever, right?
Otherwise, what's the point? No one wants their weight loss to JUST be temporary (and the last thing they want is to become unhealthy in the process)!
The 'calories in and calories out' theory of weight loss is so basic and oversimplified. Even a 12 year old child could write up diet and exercise plan that is based on nothing more than exercise and restriction. Diets are a dime a dozen and the old adage "just eat less and move more", ain't cutting it anymore. Even average folks with no training in nutrition at all are starting to get that there is more to the story.
After decades of the diet cycle - initial weight loss, followed by more weight gain than ever - people are just done with it already!
In fact, the pendulum has swung in the other direction. Losing weight feels futile. People are giving up and just accepting their fat. I don't blame them. It's the health and fitness experts themselves who don't know a thing about micro-nutrient deficiencies, body system imbalances, weight loss physiology or the hormonal basis of obesity, that c0ntinue to perpetuate the idea that fat people just eat too much and exercise too little!
Is it any wonder then, that people who are overweight have given up, when even the so-called experts don't even know anything more than the calorie theory of weight loss? How crazy is it that the experts are using an approach that statistically only has a 3% success rate, without any follow up to see if that small percentage of people who actually lost weight, kept it off? It's all insane really.
- Calorie counting is completely unnatural
- It's time consuming and too much work (unless you like being preoccupied with food and obsessed with the scale)
- Diets are designed to be done temporarily to get people to a goal that they want permanently (how insane, what are they going to do with the diet is done?).
- Average folk who are not fitness fanatics can't stick to an exercise regime for long. Most won't even start one let alone make it part of their lifestyle forever.
- What's worse is that the ones that many are willing exercise like crazy, but it doesn't even help them lose weight, never mind keep it off.
- Then there are those dreaded plateaus - it's super challenging to get people past them - logistically and emotionally.
- People have no idea how to permanently adopt changes that normalize their weight because in their mind it means a life of permanent deprivation.
- People want quick fixes and instant results without being willing to change themselves or take massive action.
- They chronically quit every time it gets hard, instead of rising up to overcome the obstacles in their way.
- They have dieting ADD and are constantly looking for another new shinier diet that they think will be easier (or faster).
- Far too many people are mentally lazy (they just want to be told what to do and don't want study and learn).
- Some are stubborn and bull headed and have completely bought into the calorie theory and refuse to open their minds to anything else.
- Many people simply won't prioritize their health.
- For some it's an issue of not wanting to 'rock the boat' with their partner, family and friends who scoff their new diet and lifestyle choices (it's peer pressure) or even actively try to sabotage their efforts
- Many people have deeper health problems that need to be addressed
Clearly simply 'counting calories and exercising' is not the solution, but do you know what to do instead?
Sadly, people think that there is something wrong with them - either they internalize it believing that they are defective in some way - they believe that they just don't have enough self-discipline or that their body is broken somehow (especially when they see people who around them stay thin despite eating whatever they want and not exercising at all).
HMMMMMmmmmm....who's been telling them that?!!!
We HAVE to stop making it about eating less and moving more!
Being overweight is not a cause, it is an effect. We have to expand your focus beyond diet and exercise to get to the root cause of people's struggles with their weight. It's time to ask deeper questions!

Ditch the Diet Mentality
Mindset Breakthrough - Explore the reasons diet "ing" in the conventional sense doesn't work and learn exactly how to lose weight naturally without counting calories.

Kitchen Makeover
Learn a "set it & forget it", easy way to release weight without trying with a kitchen makeover that doesn't compromise taste or pleasure in food!

Balanced Plate
Know how to prepare and serve balanced meals that optimize health, normalize weight and restore natural curves without having to track macros.

Restore Deficiencies
Give people the 'food fix' they REALLY need - with superfoods, supplements and strategic recipes that fill in their micronutrient gaps, to help them stop cravings at the level of root cause.

Weight Loss Blocks Assessment
Learn how to identify your client's body system imbalances and use food as medicine to eliminate their weight loss resistance.
People don't need self-discipline or willpower to lose weight naturally without dieting. The reason why is because healthy balanced meals and proper supplementation changes what they desire to eat (it changes their instincts around food). When people are diet"ing" and forcing themselves to exercise, they use the word "cheat" because internally they have to make themselves eat or move in certain ways that are contrary to their primal desires and they are starting to run out of willpower.
As a Delish Certified Natural Weight Loss Coaches our clients don't have to worry about "cheating", because not only is their body craving healthy food now, but the new value systems we teach them call them to higher standard. They will never go back to eating processed and refined foods. The healthier they get, the more they have an aversion to overeating and to eating unhealthy foods. The healthier they get, the less they have to fight with themselves!
Natural Health Education is The Basis of Client Transformation!
Whether you want to consult or teach or both, we've got options!

Help your client create a firm foundation for a sustainable path to permanent weight loss with our signature system and done for you client packages that include templates, guides and workbooks for your clients.

Use our curriculum to teach and help the people in your community un-diet their mentality! You have 3 different courses you can teach people online or off (or both).
If you are already working with people in the area of weight loss, this program will help you solve the following in your business.....
- You have gaps in your knowledge of weight loss physiology.
- You don't have resources for them that you are confident will work.
- You feel like you are under prepared and can't seem to catch up with creating all the content you'd love to be able to provide (templates, checklists, menus, recipes etc.)
- You feel like you aren't providing enough or 'doing' enough and question the value of your services.
- You feel disorganized and overwhelmed preparing for your client sessions - and that is exhausting.
- You really want to help people transform their health using their desire to lose weight as a catalyst for life transformation.
- You worry that you won't know how to coach a client to a breakthrough when they get stuck.
- You know clients need a lot of education to reprogram their false beliefs and you don't have the time (or desire) to spend months creating resources, hand outs & trainings.
- You want a done-for-you weight loss coaching system, so that you can focus more time on your clients and less time doing behind the scenes 'business' stuff.
Full Time Wages Working Part Time Hours
This program is perfect for you if you don't want to spend months or even years in business development. You are not interested spending countless hours planning and researching, forever in front of your computer designing your own signature system, creating all the hand outs and trainings or having to reinvent the wheel to build your business and marketing systems from scratch. You just want to show up confident that you have the systems in place, the knowledge, resources and coaching skills to get your clients to their goals.

Feel Confident
Feel confident in your knowledge and in your ability to coach your clients to a breakthrough.

Feel Organized
Have systems in your business that keep operations running professionally and smoothly (on autopilot).

Feel Prepared
Show up for your clients excited, feeling ready and knowing exactly how to flow the session to meet their needs and get results.
The Delish Diet is not a Method, it is a Proven Physiological Approach with Practical Principles and a Strong Philosophical Edge
A lot of people say they just want to be told what to do and they will do it. But actually they won't do what you tell them, just because you told them (believe me I know, I have been in the natural health field for 23 years)! The reason why is because knowledge is the precursor to experience. When people don't know why they are doing what they are doing, the minute they come up against an obstacle or hit a plateau, they give up. If they don't get instant results or a quick fix they go into victim mode - and either blame the diet or themselves. They swear the 'method' doesn't work or they turn the blame inward - convinced that there is something wrong with their personality because they can't stick to it....or assume that their body is defective in some way because it doesn't respond immediately. What clients don't realize is that there is no one size fits all approach to weight loss and that weight loss has been way over-simplified by the notion of "eat less, move more".
What clients don't often see is that their weight issues are the result of a health imbalance. They need to stop handing their health over to experts and start taking responsibility for healing themselves.
They need to understand how their body works in order to trust it to release the weight in it's own timing - health first, weight release second.
This is what we do with the Delish Diet, we impart health knowledge, give specific guidelines to implement that knowledge and show them how to embody eating and living health consciously for life.
The Delish Diet is not a one size fits all approach. We don't teach a 'method' for people to blindly follow, and then go back to their old ways after they have achieved the goal (let's be honest, that's what conventional diets do!).
Instead, we teach practical principles that give context to creating a intuitive and personalized approach to attaining and maintaining one's ideal weight - based on the art of using symptomatology to achieve body systems balance, the hormonal basis of obesity and the science of weight loss physiology.
The Plan
Here is how it works....

Step 1: Embody Natural
Learn how to teach others how to 'set it and forget it' in their kitchen to put the nutrition foundation in place that underlies health.

Step 2: Learn Hormones
Know the hormonal basis of obesity inside and out so that you can re-educate your clients minds with what actually works long term.

Step 3: Deep Nutrition Wisdom
Learn the symptoms that specifically point to nutrient deficiencies, so that you can give personalized recommendations

Step 4: Get your Client Un-Blocked
Learn how to identify your client's body system imbalances and use our done for you protocols to bring balance back.
The Delish Diet is based on the best of the best science based understanding of the hormonal basis of obesity and weight loss physiology.
You will learn how to debunk the 'eat less, move more' approach of calorie counting, deprivation and 'dieting' and how to de-program your client's mindset from the diet mentality and weight loss obsession to health and healing consciousness.
There a lots of myths out there about weight loss. It is really confusing to your clients. You are going to need to master understanding the application, limitations and half truths of the 'calories in and calories' out theory of weight loss. You need to be able to confidently educate your clients about why the 'eat less, move more' approach does not work for permanent weight loss - especially since they probably have personal experience with it working temporarily - which of course reinforces and perpetuates the diet rollercoaster. Clients don't realize that the diets they've done were never designed for permanent results in the first place. You have to literally de-construct their thinking and de-program their paradigm to help them drop the diet mentality. You will learn how to do this by learning how to help clients assume responsibility for their health (and therefore their weight) - and you'll know the hormonal basis of obesity and other related practical aspects of weight loss physiology - inside out.
The Delish Diet isn't really a diet in the conventional sense, it is aligned with the natural diet of the human species, embracing a natural lifestyle (with some delightful modern conveniences, of course)!
Losing weight is simple, it's the causes that are complex.
When people can't lose weight, they are working with the wrong strategy. Conventional diets based on "eating less and moving more" are designed for short term results. In the long term they deprive people of nutrition and slow down their metabolism. People who don’t plan to do their current strategy for weight loss forever, are kidding themselves that they can ever lose weight and keep it off. It sounds harsh, but it's true. As soon as they quit working the strategy, it quits working for them. There is only one core strategy people need to lose weight and that is to return to their natural human diet, habitat and healthful habits.
With the Delish Diet approach we teach health consciousness, address the clients need for pleasure and assess their unique weight loss blocks for a personalized and holistic approach to optimizing their health - and as a good side effect of that, they lose weight permanently.
Have you noticed that wild animals have a diet, but don't go on a diet? Wild animals are never overweight because they don't eat or live unnaturally for their species. When people can't seem to get themselves to do what is natural as a human mammal (because they've lost touch with their instincts) - then what is standing in their way are body system imbalances, which we call physiological weight loss blocks.
Weight loss blocks can also be: educational, environmental, emotional, mindset, relational, socio-economic and addiction issues etc. It is time now for people to stop ‘dieting’ and deal with the actual root causes of their weight gain. We help them do that. Being overweight is NOT the cause of their health problems, it is an EFFECT of them. Your clients will have to do both inner and outer work to get permanent results.
For their results to be maintainable, how they eat to lose weight MUST be more pleasurable than how they ate to gain it (the Delish Diet approach excels at this)! Once they stop eating processed foods (and yes, they are going to have to accept that they are going to have to do that permanently), they will discover that healthy food not only tastes better than artificial food products, but they are way more decadent, delicious and satisfying too!Coaching Systems
You can offer your client the best most fitting advice available on the planet, but they simply won't do the work if they are super stressed out, their mindset is misaligned or they don't have the tools at their fingertips to make good on your advice.

Inner Work
12 coaching exercises at your fingertips to help your client get to the root cause of their behavior blocks - mental, emotional and spiritual.

Practice Path
Use our signature coaching system and process to get your clients results.

Business Systems
Learn how to set up your practice to feel efficient, organized and confident and get your start up natural weight loss business on its feet fast!
You could spend years studying, creating content and building a business all by your lonesome or you can join the 'lose weight without dieting' movement and start helping people who are struggling with their weight now!
Turn Your Passion into A Profitable Business
It's one thing to know a lot about nutrition and another to have to figure out how to launch your start up, create scalable business systems, learn how to market your services and master sales. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Sales Training
Learn how to have a sales conversation that feels easy and naturally enrols clients into your private packages and group coaching (without feeling 'salesy')!

Business Systems
We have scalable systems in place to save you time and so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Done-for-You Marketing
Marketing plans, logos, social media posts, posters, business cards, copy templates etc.
Want guidance on what your holistic weight loss practice should include?
Download our guide: 7 Essential Keys for Creating A Truly Holistic Weight Loss Practice!
Meet Your Teacher
Besides over 25 years working in the natural health field, I have been in private practice as a certified nutritionist since 2007.
I am a graduate with honours from both the Edison Institute of Nutrition (2006) and the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (2008). My credentials include registered holistic nutritionist (RHN), GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) practitioner and certified childbirth doula.
In 2011, I co founded a business venture called Domestic Diva which was an online traditional foods platform where provided e-courses teaching traditional food skills to hundreds of women-locally, online and abroad.
I am also a certified business coach and have been mentoring holistic practitioners in their business start ups since 2012.
In 2014 I went on to become an instructor at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Kelowna, BC for 4 years where I discovered a love for teaching! Currently I teach virtually for the Edmonton branch.
Have a question?
Let's connect via e-mail or message me on Facebook.