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Welcome to the Lose Weight Without Dieting Workshop Series Replays!
There are two options to learn more about the Delish UN-Diet School:
1. Go straight to the sales page: https:/delishdiet.ca/delish-un-diet-school/
2: Watch the 'Lose Weight Without Dieting' Webinar to learn more: https://www.delishdiet.ca/lose-weight-without-dieting
Do the work and win a complimentary seat in the Delish UN-Diet School 12 Month Group Coaching Program (you also get all Delish Diet e-courses as well, for a total value of $3500!)
- Do all the homework asked of you in the 'Lose Weight Without Dieting' Workshop Series replays on this page.
- Write me a letter or record a video sharing:
a) Your big 'why' for wanting to release the weight (include what you stand to gain by realizing your ideal weight, plus what is at stake if nothing changes or you were to gain more weight).
b) Tell me in no uncertain terms why no matter what obstacles or challenges you face on the journey, you will keep getting back on the horse to achieve and MAINTAIN your ideal weight. In other words I want to know where you normally get stuck or give up and why THIS time things will be different.
c) Tell me how you'll take what you've learned and accomplished on the journey to give back in the world - Send in 'before' photos:
a) one that can be used in a before and after shot
b) 3 full length photos (front, back and side) in your underwear and bathing suit - these are for the purposes of tracking your progress (never to be seen in public - unless you yourself want to share your journey). - Fill in the blanks in the workbook, take photos of your answers and attach to your entry.
- e-mail your entry to my personal e-mail: sherryrothwell@gmail.com
- I will be in touch shortly to confirm your spot (these spots are filled on a first come, first serve basis).
Download the workbook and print before starting the video trainings: Lose Weight Without Dieting Workshop Worksheets.pdf
Homework: Fill in the blanks in the workbook, take photos and attach to your application.
Revamp Your Kitchen
This is the first step to permanent weight loss, that few people do (which is why 97% percent of dieters fail). My mission is to change that! I am going to walk you through what to do right now.
Take a before and after of the spaces in your kitchen that you have cleaned and de-cluttered.
Mindset Shifts to Help You Revamp Your Kitchen (BONUS Training)
In this training, I am going to share with you some mindset shifts that are required to make a permanent lifestyle shift when it comes to your food choices and buying habits for permanent results with weight loss.
Pleasure Kitchen
Learn how to transform yourself from domestic drudge to domestic diva by getting in 'right relationship' with your kitchen. This training will help you give your kitchen a makeover this weekend - nutritionally and aesthetically!
Take a 'before' and 'after' photo of how you have turned your kitchen into a sacred space!
Skinny Switch Ins That Stop Carb Cravings
Binging on sugar is the perfect recipe for weight gain. In this training, I am going to show you how to get off sugar without giving up your pleasure in rich, sweet, creamy comfort foods.
Not only is that possible, but it is essential to be able to make the permanent lifestyle changes necessary for optimal health and as a result of that - permanent weight loss.
After all, if eating the way I am going to share with you wasn't more pleasurable that what you are already eating, then it wouldn't be sustainable. I promise you that this is totally different than what other 'diet' programs focus on.
Homework: Take a before and after photo of your 'switch ins'.
Processed Pantry Purge
We all intuitively know that processed foods are not good for us, but knowing so, doesn't always translate into acting so.
In this training, I am going to help you go through your kitchen and pinpoint 12 simple, yet essential buying decisions that you need to change if optimal health is your goal.
I will also share why in particular these changes are simultaneously necessary for weight loss too.
It is too bad that such simple to implement upgrades are often overlooked and get in the way of our otherwise best intentions to eat healthy.
By switching out what you have, for better quality products, you truly can get healthier without spending a single extra minute in the kitchen!
Homework: Take a before and after photo of your purged pantry!
Filling Your Fridge With Fare that's Fit
In this training, I am going to share just how incredibly simple it is to eat healthy and subsequently lose weight as a natural 'good side effect'.
Health and weight loss are WAY overcomplicated by nutrition knowledge - don't get me wrong, I LOVE nutrition knowledge - but it WAY overlooks the actual basic practical and applicable kitchen wisdom that actually makes the difference.
Let's distill it all down to the basics.
Homework: Take a before and after photo of your latest 'switch ins'.
How to Blast Past Plateaus
Do you have a habit of starting diets and quitting them? That is a habit that tells me that you have a 'diet mentality' which is actually what is at the root of your inability to lose weight.
You've bought into half truths about what it takes to lose weight and you don't understand the root cause of your weight gain. You are not alone though.
97% of dieters fail, so it would be safe to say that few understand what it takes to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
Surprisingly permanent weight loss without dieting requires a paradigm change with a complete shift in your focus.
Your extra body fat is not the cause of any of your problems, health issues etc..It is a result of them.
In this training, I am going to share with you the mindsets that you need to become part of the 3% of people who loss weight and keep it off - without counting calories, restricting fat, portion control or exercise - none of which are necessary - and mostly counterproductive actually.