Natural Weight Loss Practitioner

Want to specialize your coaching practice in natural weight loss without dieting?

This is a practical holistic weight loss education program, is focused on implementation and results. This program has been developed to ensure that your understanding is WAY beyond intellectual knowledge, and is wisdom-based inside of an experiential learning process. Science is taught in contextually relevant ways.

Year 1: Certified Natural Weight Loss Nutritionist

Self Study with Monthly Accountability Form to support you to stay on track, plus post questions in the forum or Facebook group for feedback & guidance 

What you will learn:
  • how to Un-diet your client's mentality
  • how to get people off sugar and carb addiction
  • how to teach people to adopt a whole foods diet
  • how to eat meals balanced for macros
  • know the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and how to fill them
  • learn how to assess & identify body system imbalances
  • learn how to use body system balance protocols
  • learn how to do a 21 day therapeutic cleanse for beginners
  • learn the metaphysical causes of obesity and how to clear them
  • identify emotional weight and how to support your client to clear it
  • how to get clients past weight loss plateaus

You will learn all the fundamentals of holistic nutrition inside of all the above topics, plus the following knowledge is interwoven in context with health and weight loss: anatomy & physiology, symptomatology, gut health, hormones, pathology, biochem, microbiome, allergies, autoimmunity - all of these topics are relevant to natural weight loss without dieting by addressing body system imbalances.

Done-For-You Protocols for individualized reasons people have stubborn weight issues:

  • Nutrient Deficiency Protocols
  • Body System Balance Protocols
  • Blast Past Plateaus Protocols
Education Platform:
  • instant access to all the Delish e-courses
  • online training portal for practitioners only content - not found in the e-courses

Testing Particulars:

  • implementation assignments to prove that you are turning your knowledge into experience and embodying the lifestyle
  • textbook reading assignments
  • open-book tests designed to elevate your knowledge (no cramming your brain or rote memorizing things just to get a high test score)
  • controversial subject research assignments (these are not essays, you will be creating referenced educational booklets that you can use with your clients and you are provided with a format to do so step-by-step
  • quarterly exams composed of short answer questions
  • Follow-up personalized assignments to fill in the gaps after the written exam is completed and marked (additional assignments will be to create a something practical that you can share with clients and easily refer back to yourself so that it adds value to your business).

Business Training:

  • Business e-course training is provided immediately so that you can begin to envision the particulars of your future business.

Open enrollment, start anytime!

How to get started...

Step 1: Make your payment for Year 1.
Step 2: You will receive an e-mail to register into the course portal.
Step 3: Once you are in, you will be guided through all the certification steps with checklists that you can print or fill out online to keep you organized. 
Step 4: Once you have completed Year 1 you will receive your 'Natural Weight Loss Practitioner' certificate.
Step 5: Come back to this page to register for Year 2 and we'll reach out to you to send you a welcome e-mail with the link to get into the Year 2 Practice Portal to earn your Natural Weight Loss Practioner Diploma.

Start Now!

YEAR 2:  Natural Weight Loss Practioner Diploma

Includes a bi-weekly VIRTUAL coaching form, so that we can work more closely together to get your practice set up and so that I can help you help your clients and provide you with personalized business start-up direction and guidance.

Beta Clients (you will work with these people for free):

You are provided with a proven signature system to walk clients through so that by the time you are complete, they have the results they came for and you have testimonials to prove your competency (you will practice doing this one on one, VIRTUALLY and in a group program)

  • 3 1 on 1 beta clients LIVE (in person or on zoom)
  • 3 VIRTUAL clients (no need to show up anywhere, serve them in-between studying).
  • 12 LIVE beta clients served in a group (online zoom group or up close and in person in your area)
  • 3 LIVE Kitchen Makeover
  • 3 LIVE Grocery shopping tour
  • 3 LIVE cooking lesson

I will handle your client registration, do monthly check-ins, interview your beta clients at the end and gather your testimonials. No other nutrition program offers this level of ensuring competency, support with your practice and proof of results by the time you graduate, giving you the confidence to charge for your services.

Diploma Level Practice Education:

  • You will learn how to customize the Body Systems Protocols for the individual's unique situation with more extensive trainings.

Practice Materials:

  • Done-for-You Results-Based Signature System for natural weight loss without dieting - repeatable steps that work - in person,VIRTUALLY and in a group.
  • Done for You Business Systems, so that you can focus on your practice and people rather than having to develop content from scratch.
  • Workbooks & handouts that keep you organized and confident as a coach, while at the same time help your client implement quickly and easily.
  • Coaching templates to get clients to breakthroughs when they get stuck or feel challenged.

That is everything you want for business ease and the practice experience you need to give you confidence (not to mention, you'll be taking your own health to the next level in the process of helping others)!

What happens after you graduate?

You can create your own brand spin-off from using our systems or be licensed under the Delish brand to use our branded content.

With your monthly licensing fee of $97, you get:

  • a yearly feature promotion of you to our e-mail list and socials
  • your clients get into the Delish e-courses as a free added BONUS to your packages
  • quarterly continuing education 3 day workshops (via live stream over 1 week in our practitioner Facebook group)
  • quarterly business building 3 day workshops (via livestream over 1 week in our business Facebook group)

Want to add on extra mentorship?

12 Month Private 1 on 1 Mentorship on Zoom  $12,997

- fast track your business start-up while in the learning zone
- support and guidance through the business side of things, so that you can focus on your clients
- bi-weekly private coaching on zoom (get your training questions answered, with help to get your clients unstuck and business coaching)

12 Months VIRTUAL 1 on 1 Mentorship $6997

- everything above, by VIRTUAL coaching questionnaire instead of zoom (feedback & guidance will be provided by text, audio or video)

e-mail to set up a time to discuss.

Weight Loss Blocks
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