The first step to permanent weight loss is transitioning from the SAD (standard north american diet) to a natural whole foods diet.
After you put the whole foods foundation in place, it's time now to deepen your knowledge of weight loss physiology and the hormonal basis of obesity - so that you are not tempted to revert to counting calories, dieting, avoiding fat and exercising the wrong way and for the wrong reasons.
The second step to permanent weight loss is learning EVEN MORE.
Knowledge is the pre-cursor to experience, so if you want to lose weight naturally with out dieting, you need to educate yourself for 4 reasons:
1. YOUR BODY FOLLOWS YOUR MIND - your thoughts and feelings about your body are either supporting or blocking your weight loss. You must understand 'how your body actually works' and 'why' it both burns and stores fat. This knowledge is needed in order to get yourself to START doing what you NEED to do and STOP doing what you NEED TO NOT do. This must be approached first at the intellectual level to undo the 'diet mentality' brainwashing that has had you on the hamster wheel of short lived results. You must come to believe in this new approach to weight loss through logic, not through blind trust.
2. YOU HAVE TO REPROGRAM YOUR MIND - Your subconscious mind is in the driver's seat, your conscious mind is just a passenger and has less control. What you believe at the subconscious level ultimately informs what you will actually do or not do and how receptive your body will be to your efforts. So if you don't understand weight loss physiology and the hormonal basis of obesity intellectually, you can unintentionally block your weight loss with your deep belief in the "eat less and move more" paradigm. The reason why is that your body is following your mind. Therefore to get new results you must reprogram your subconscious mind. The only way to reprogram your subconscious mind is to learn new things, create new experiences and use repetition to reinforce empowering thoughts and belief systems about your body.
3. What You REALLY Believe Ultimately Informs Not Just How Your Body Responds, But What You Will ACTUALLY DO In The Long Term When Faced With Obstacles And Challenges - change your beliefs by learning and creating new experiences. If you still subconsciously believe that counting calories, dieting, avoiding fat and exercising are the answer, then the minute you hit a plateau or your weight goes up temporarily (as it will, due to water fluctuations or body system blocks), you will make the wrong assumptions about what is actually happening in your body and why those things are happening. If you don't understand how your body works to both heal itself and release the weight (as a natural good side effect of healing), then you will automatically revert to old behaviours, defeating thoughts and the cycle of quitting. When what you really NEED TO BE DOING is facing challenges and doing the work to overcome them.
4. People Who Overcome Their Difficulties Transcend The VICTIM Mentality By EMBRACING The LEARNING That Is Required To Overcome Challenges - transcend the victim mentality by embracing the learning and action that is required to overcome challenges. No one gets results with their health or their weight while they remain in a victim state believing that their body is failing them or defective in some way. Notice any need to defend your limitations. This state of mind must be transcended. To become someone who releases the weight and keeps it off permanently (by achieving optimal health first), you must also become someone who embraces the education and effort involved in becoming self responsible for your health. You must find a way to put your challenges into an inspiring context in order to make educating yourself, something you WANT to do - not just something you HAVE to do. One way do that is to see your weight or health challenges as a catalyst to transform not just your body, but your whole life. Optimal health is not only your birthright, but you can restore your body to it's 'divine right shape' and live the life you were born, for instead of one settled for. But you have to become someone different than who you are currently being.
What would your life look like if you did more than just optimally feed your body, but also fed your soul? Learning is among many forms of soul food.
Learning creates new pathways in your brain, re-inspires and restores belief in yourself and in your ability to create new results in your life.
Don't be intimidated by words like "weight loss physiology" and "the hormonal basis of obesity". This is not like going back to school and being forced to memorize facts without embodying them.
I created the Delish UN-diet School Masterclass Series to teach you this stuff in the most succinct and applicable ways. I distilled the most important and useful knowledge into 20 - 30 minute trainings.
You don't even need to sit down to watch them or take notes. You can simply listen in while you are cooking or cleaning, so you don't even have to set aside extra time.
I have provided a 1 page summary for each lesson that highlights all the important points, so that you can easily review what you've learned later.
Each training also comes with 'take - aways' for embodying what you've learned in real life.
Ready to prime your brain for success - so that you can lose weight naturally without dieting by putting your health first?
Start the Delish UN-diet School Masterclass Series now!
In summary..
1. Your body follows both your conscious and unconscious mind - your thoughts and feelings about your body are either supporting or blocking your health and subsequently your weight loss.
2. You have to reprogram your mind - your subconscious mind is in the driver's seat while your conscious mind is just a passenger and they are both fighting for the wheel.
3. What you really believe ultimately informs what you will actually do in the long term when faced with obstacles and challenges - change your beliefs by learning, repetition and creating new experiences.
4. Overcome difficulties - transcend the victim mentality by embracing the learning and action that is required to overcome challenges.
- Mindset (52)
- Restaurant Reviews (1)
- Skinny Bombs (9)
- Skinny Desserts (6)
- Cleansing for Weight Loss (19)
- Become Certified (10)
- Appetizers (1)
- Weight Loss Blocks (physiological) (12)
- Breakfast (4)
- Case Studies (1)
- Snacks (1)
- Eliminate Excuses (1)
- Testimonials (5)
- Weight Loss Physiology (4)
- Weight Wisdom (9)
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