

I didn't purge, but boy did I binge.

high school photo

My journey to understanding and overcoming issues with my weight started way back in high school

I struggled with my weight since I was a teenager. I am no stranger to binging, starving myself, and dieting. In fact, my friends and I used to have binging  sleepovers. We called it ‘porking out’. Honestly, I am not sure what I was more excited about - hanging out with my friends or pigging out! I remember lamenting “wouldn’t it be amazing if junk food made you skinny and healthy food made you fat?…

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The highest truth you've been ashamed to share.

fishnets and doppio espresso

This is part 4 of a series of articles on telling ourselves the truth. Another long one. This article is the perfect read for you if you can't figure out why you don't let yourself do the things you want to. 

In part one, I shared how to break down the bars of your own personal prison by identifying the little and not so little lies we tell ourselves - ones that keep us caged inside our problems.

In part two I shared how you can avoid the chaos of having to bomb the prison down, and instead pi…

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The biggest 3 lies of all.

mmm whipping

This is part 3 of a series of articles on telling ourselves the truth. Another long one. Perfect if you can't figure out why you try to force yourself to do things you don't want to do. 

In part one, I shared how to break down the bars of your own personal prison by identifying the little and not so little lies we tell ourselves - ones that keep us caged inside our problems.

In part two I shared how you can avoid the chaos of having to bomb the prison down, and instead pick up the key of truth…

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Well-meaning lies that confine.


This is going to be a long one, but it will be well worth the read if you have an issue you are struggling with and you are looking for the key to let yourself out of a self- imposed prison you've created. 

In part one of this series on liberating ourselves with truth, I shared about how I had imprisoned myself with little lies that kept me in a marriage for over 20 years.

I shared how it was turning those lies into truth, that finally liberated me. 

Those well-meaning lies are probably the w…

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Unwilling to admit it?

Side Profile

We all know how the saying goes, ‘the truth shall set you free’. 

We’ve all heard it, it sounds logical, true and right, and yet we still create our own prisons - by unconsciously or even deliberately lying to ourselves.

I kept myself prison for over 20 years in a marriage that wasn’t really right for me. I don’t have the time to go into all the little lies I told myself, but the minute did I tell myself the truth, that I was just staying to…

a) preserve the sanctity of marriage
b) to protect …

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Losing weight is simple, it's the causes that are complex.

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If you don’t plan to do your current strategy for weight loss forever, then why bother?

As soon as you quit working that strategy, it quits working for you.

There is only one core strategy you need.

Go back to eating your natural human diet.

It is as simple as that.

If you can’t do that - you have educational, environmental, emotional, hormonal, mindset, relational and addiction issues in the way.

Stop ‘dieting’ and deal with the root causes.

Being overweight is NOT the cause of your pr…

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Why you should ask a wild animal how to lose weight.

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Unlike fad diets, the Delish Diet is actually designed for permanent weight loss.

You want your results with weight loss to last forever right? Then it’s simply logical that you are going to have to keep doing what you did to lose the weight, to keep it off.

This is where the Delish Diet approach is like no other. 

Just think of all the diets you’ve done in the past. You didn’t really think you were going to eat and exercise like ‘that’ forever did you? 

And that is exactly why you are not…

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If you can’t lose weight your body is deficient in nutrition, toxic, inflamed & otherwise out of balance.

before and after.jpgI know how frustrating it is to feel like you are doing everything right and yet you can't lose weight.

7 years ago I went from being a slightly overweight nutritionist who had settled for the after baby weight to becoming obese in less than 2 months on a healthy whole foods primarily vegetarian diet.

A healthy person eating a healthy diet stays slim without counting calories or exercising. You know that right? So obviously eating less and moving more isn't the answer (your naturally skinny fr…

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Can you really lose 5 lbs in 3 days?

deep woman
Yes, you absolutely can, but that doesn't mean you will.
Here are some of the reasons you won't...
1) You don't actually do the meal plan at all (it sits on your computer unused... and maybe even unopened!)
2) You start the plan when you are premenstrual or bleeding (worst time to look at the scale because you will be retaining water)
3) You are constipated (there is no way your liver is going to let you break down your fat stores until you are 'going' regularly)

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Why Obesity is A Symptom of Disease - not the cause.

I believe this to be true.

Six years ago when I was an obese nutritionist, I had every reason to want to be in denial about this....after all I was expected to be an example of good health.

I could have tried to justify how I could be obese and healthy at the same time because I lived a natural lifestyle and ate a whole foods diet.

I spent a year in victim mode and in futility.

Thank god I was willing to admit that my hypoglycemia wasn't just a little thing.

It took getting "big" fo…

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