

How to create your own "diet"


The problem with 'diets'. besides the fact that they are designed for temporary results, is that they are:

  1. one size fits all
  2. they don't address the root causes of being overweight in the first place 
  3. they lead to rebound weight gain (most often, more weight than you started the diet with)

Yes, you want to lose weight permanently, but you think you have to deprive yourself of delicious food and push yourself to exercise - and neither of those things is really that inspiring. You think to …

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What to do if you are done w/dieting BUT, you still want to lose weight?

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There are plenty of people who are done with dieting and have simply embraced being fat.

There is even a whole movement around it called the 'fat acceptance' movement.

It's understandable to me that this movements exists.

I don't agree with it, but I do for certain empathize.

Diet culture is terribly superficial and fat shaming people is completely unacceptable (not to mention ignorant and gross).

But what do you do if you don't align with diet culture, but you STILL do want to lose weight?…

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Losing weight is not as simple as counting calories.

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Losing weight is simple, but not necessarily easy.

It's not all about calories, but it's actually pretty doable when you know what you are doing and you have the right facts in front of you.

The trouble is, that when it comes to weight loss, most people believe so called "facts" that are actually based on out of context 'half truths' and concepts that don't translate into real world, real life lasting results.

One such simplistic concept is that the answer to being overweight can be summed up…

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How we do weight loss different.


There is a really clear reason why most people fail to lose weight and keep it off.

It's not only because they are doing the wrong things, but also because they are missing very essential parts of the weight loss equation.

Here are the 4 most common problems with most approaches to weight loss:

  1. 1 size fits all approach
  2. Focused on calories instead of hormones
  3. Doesn't address the holistic root causes 
  4. Do not address underlying health imbalances

Losing weight is not JUST about diet and e…

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Why "eat less, move more" don't work no more.

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It's the height of ignorance to suggest to someone that losing weight is easy, because all you have to do is "eat less and move more".

I say this in defence of fat people.

The reason why is: this mantra is mostly said from a place of arrogance or contempt for fat people.

It is said to 'wake' or shame overweight people into compliance.

While the truth is that the rote repetition of these words without context, does nothing more than shed light on the …

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Why you have to get healthy FIRST if you want permanent results with weight loss.


Most people think losing weight will make them healthier, but that is not true. The truth is, the secret to permanent weight loss is turning your focus inward toward your health, and away from weight loss. 

The only way weight loss equals health, is if that weight loss is a natural 'good side effect' of doing something that makes you healthier. Many people don't want to explore this, because they don't want to have to question what they believe or have to change anything at all.

And I am not j…

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If you already eat healthy, how can you lose weight without dieting?


Oh do I know how defeating it is to live inside this question.

I used to be clinically obese despite my healthy whole foods plant based diet.

What's worse is that even with decades of experience behind me as a nutritionist and graduating with honours from 2 of Canada's top holistic nutrition schools - I just could not figure out how it was humanly possible to NOT eat processed junk food or be a sugar addict - and still end up obese anyway!

It took me a year to even decide to do anything about…

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4 Reasons Diets Have Failed You


Do you believe losing weight without dieting can work for others, but not for you?

I totally get it.

If you already eat healthy or you've tried every diet under the sun (to no avail), it's easy to think that breakthroughs and miracles only happen to other people.

As an ex-dieter myself and having been obese on a natural whole foods plant based diet, I was once standing in your shoes.

I know what it feels like to have extreme doubts about being able to achieve my ideal weight - without having…

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What if one call could change your life?

Sherry on the dock

When I was obese, I was drained, miserable, emotionally unfulfilled and overburdened.

I was married to a man who felt more like a third child, than a partner. 

Over time he became emotionally abusive and on a few occasions physically as well. 

I was trying to hold things together for the kids and although I was dissatisfied in the relationship, I still loved him.

I listened to the lies of his words, instead of 'hearing' the truth of his actions.

Empty were his platitudes and promises…

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The one thing 97% of dieters won't do to lose weight

revamping the kitchen

There is a reason 97% of dieters fail.

The reason is obvious.

They fail to stick to the diet.

Hold on, hold on.

It's not because they are lazy and undisciplined, it's because weight loss diets are designed to be done for a temporary time period.

They are not by design for permanent results.

Think about it:

- If you don't already go to the gym and love it, how long do you think you can force yourself to do it?
- How long can you really live on 1000 calories or less a day, before you freak…

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